Sunday, January 15, 2006

My Special Kids

so today I am thinking of all the Dr's apts and therapy sessions I will attend over the next month for both my children- My little one, Cole, turns two on Saturday - doesn't time fly by, I wish I could keep him this age forever - because I know soon he will lose his baby scent and get his little boy scent - wish I could keep that in a jar- wish I could also shelter him from the nasty world that he will face at times with his disability - Friday I met with an early intervention case manager from the state and got him hooked up on services - I am a social worker and didn't even realize how much our state has to offer for special needs children - I guess i was naive or maybe just didn't want to face the ugly truth that Cole is disabled - Cole was born with a stroke which he had while I was carrying him. Yes, kids have strokes too - He had a Left sided stroke so he isn't able to use his right side as well - He can walk but doesn't use his right hand - but we go to therapy 2x's a week and things are getting better- I have another meeting with the state Friday so hopefully I will learn more abut what they will offer him - Its so fun still watching him grow and change - he is a delightful little soul and very strong willed which will help him - he is also very charismatic , my little charmer - WOW two already .....

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